Physical Education
At Nissitissit, we believe that every student can be healthy. Physical education in middle school includes social and emotional wellness in addition to learning to be physical fit. We want to help students enjoy exercise and provide them with opportunities to try new activities that will improve their fitness level. Our curriculum provides students with a wide range of aerobic and anaerobic activities, as well as emotional regulation strategies for each unit. We understand that middle schoolers have different competitive levels and therefore we offer a competitive and a non-competitive activity when possible. We understand that every student has different strengths and sometimes students feel uncertain or nervous when trying something new. Therefore, attitude, effort, participation, and good sportsmanship are the basis of our grading system. Students do not need to be natural athletes to earn an “A”. Every student in our classes is capable of earning an “A”.
Students earn 10 points per class.
3 - being dressed appropriately - sneakers are required to participate. When we go outside during the cooler months, students should wear pants, sweatshirts, and/ jackets. Students are allowed and encouraged to wear sunglasses and hats during sunny warmer days. Students are also encouraged to bring a water bottle, knowing that “squirt” water bottles are not allowed in school, per the school handbook.
3 - warm-ups - participation, attitude and effort during warm-ups
4- activity - attitude, effort, participation & sportsmanship during class.
We believe that:
- Students who adhere to the above requirements 75% of the time are demonstrating average performance in class and should expect a “C” on their progress reports and report cards.
- Students who adhere to the above requirements 90% of the time are demonstrating above average performance in class and should expect an “A” on their progress reports and report cards.
We also believe that
- Middle schoolers are learning these life skills and that CONSISTENCY (80% or more) is the goal. We do NOT expect or want students to strive for perfection. Therefore we graciously teach students the importance of consistency and reward their efforts.
Students who earn an "A" consistently do the following:
Follow the school handbook
Consider the consequences of their actions and words
Participate in warm-ups and games
Speak respectfully
Have positive attitudes
Demonstrate good sportsmanship & effort
Have ownership of their behavior and words
Learn from their mistakes
Every student is capable of earning an “A”
We expect each student to try and be active during each class. Our program provides students with the knowledge and tools to be healthy and pursue lifelong physical fitness. It also provides students the opportunity to learn and practice responsible decision making, relationship skills, social awareness, self- awareness and self-management. We will directly teach these skills as students participate in a wide variety of games and activities.
We will go outside as much as possible, depending on the weather. Students should be prepared to go outside until Thanksgiving and then again in April. During the winter months, classes may go outside to get fresh air and play gaga ball if the pits are dry and the weather is above 35 degrees.
Physical Education Scope and Sequence
Unit |
Social/ Emotional Learning
Beginning of the Year: Rules, Procedures, and gaga ball |
-Identify positive and negative behaviors -learn procedures of what to do when you are involved / witness negative behavior. |
Cooperative Games: Capture the football / frisbee, various matball games, |
-Consider the big picture -Notice how others are reacting to you -Think of others |
Outdoor Aerobic Sports: Soccer, Speedball, Ultimate Frisbee |
-Think rationally, even when frustrated -How to manage disappointment -Thinking hypothetically, envisioning different possibilities. |
Anaerobic Sports: Football, Volleyball |
-How you think affects how you feel -Have an open mind to try new things -Managing anxiety & nervousness |
Indoor Aerobic Sports: Basketball, Floor Hockey |
-Monitoring the intensity of your emotions -Considers a range of solutions to a problem -Thinking hypothetically, envisioning different possibilities. |
Net Games: Badminton, Pickleball, Nitroball |
-Understanding how your behavior affects other people. -Think before you respond; consider the likely outcomes or consequences of his or her actions. |