Discrimination & Harassment
District Title VI/IX Coordinators
For Students: Gary Burboa-Reese, Assistant Superintendent gburboareese@nmrsd.org 978-597-8713 x1301 |
For Staff: Anne Marie Tucciarone-Mahan, Human Resources hr@nmrsd.org 978-597-8713 x1600 |
Section 504 Coordinator: Erin Upton, Director of Special Education eupton@nmrsd.org 978-597-8713 x1501 |
Confidential Employee * Lisa Comeau, Director of Title I and Early Literacy lcomeau@nmrsd.org 978-597-8713 x1303 |
* Under Title IX, the confidential employee "is an employee whose communications are privileged under federal or state law due to their role or duties for the institution. They are not required to report harassment, discrimination, or retaliation to the Title IX coordinator, unless there is a true emergency. However, they are required to report the type of incident to the Title IX coordinator and may need to disclose certain information by law, such as mandatory reporting laws." This individual can act as a confidential resource for students and/or their families to better understand the Title IX investigation process and support the student/family in filing a formal complaint (either orally or in writing).